a) The article received in English or Indonesian are scientific papers that are the result of empirical and conceptual studies in the field of Economics & Business and have never been published in print media or other electronic journals.
b) Articles are typed in Word with the provisions of A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm), top / bottom / left / right margins in sequence: 3/3/4/3 cm.
c) Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English using Times New Roman letters, one Columns, 10-15 pages spacing including bibliography, made in one column.
d) Articles are sent via to log in, do the register first to get the password and username, after that log in with the user and password that has been made click on new submission follow the steps of the journal contributor flow guide, finally click Active Submission. After completing, you can inform the manager of Journal of Applied Management Studies (JAMMS) via email to with the format: name, address of the institution, mobile phone number, and correspondence address.
TITLE, a maximum of 15 Words, using a propercase letter size of 12 pt, bold.
AUTHOR'S NAME, written in full without title and without position font Time New Roman 12 pt, bold, written in a row down (if the author is more than 1) starting from the main author, complete with the name of the institution, email address (to be published), and number telephone (not published).
ABSTRACT includes a summary of research including problems, objectives, methods, results, and contributions of research results. The abstract is presented after the title consists of 75-150 words written in English. Abstracts are given 3-5 keywords to facilitate the compilation of article indexes.
INTRODUCTION contains research background, problem formulation and research benefits, theoretical basis, and hypothesis development. (Preliminary Proportion of 15-20% of the total length of the article and no sub-chapters or numbering)
LITERATURE REVIEW Examining theory and previous research that is in line with the purpose of the article, designing hypotheses. (Preliminary Proportion of 15-20% of the total length of the article and no sub-chapters or numbering)
RESEARCH METHODS containing data and data sources, research variables, techniques data collection, as well as data analysis techniques. (Proportion of Research Methods is 15-20% of the total article length and there may not be subchapters or numbering).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION contains the results of hypothesis testing, the results of data analysis. Research and descriptive statistics are needed. (Proportion of Results and Discussion 40-60% of the total length of the article and no sub-chapters or numbering)
CONCLUSIONS containing the conclusions of the research, accompanied by suggestions and implications for subsequent research.
(Proportion of Conclusions 15-20% of the total length of the article and no sub-chapters or numbering)
REFERENCES contain all sources referred to in writing the article. (Using reference management applications (Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, etc.) Reference Lists at least 80% in the form of libraries published in the last 5 years. Reference is written using American Psychological Association 7th Edition Style (APA).
a) All pages (including attachments, and references) are numbered by page.
b) Each table or figure is given a serial number placed in the center of the table or figure, the title is placed after the number that matches the contents of the table or figure. The data source is placed at the bottom left of the table or figure.
c) Citations and references in the text are written using bracketed reference techniques (author's last name, year: page number)
For example:
d) In general, the format of the American Physicological Association (APA) style is as follows: Reference list is arranged alphabetically, Author's Last Name. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (edition if any), page. Below is an example of writing a reference in the bibliography according to the American Physicological Association (APA) style.
For example:
Ready, R. (2000). Mothers’ personality and its interaction with child temperament as predictors of parenting behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 274-285.
Spreer, P., Rauschnabel, P.A. (2016). Selling with technology: Understanding the resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 36(3), 240-263. doi:10.1080/08853134.2016.1208100
Lin, M.G., Hoffman, E.S., & Borengasser, C. (2013). Is social media too social for class? A case study of Twitter use. Tech Trends, 57(2), 39-45.
Yonkers, K. A., Ramin, S. M., Rush, A. J., Navarrete, C. A., Carmody, T., March, D., . . . Leveno, K. J. (2001). Onset and persistence of postpartum depression in an inner-city maternal health clinic system. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(11), 1856-1863. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.158.11.1856.
Initial Screening
All submitted and invited papers should go through an initial screening process to screen papers which are not suitable or has have different focus, papers which are marginal, weak papers, etc. Only relevant and of high quality papers should be processed and sent to referees (we do not want to waste the time of the referees by sending poor or marginal papers to them). Send every paper which passes the initial screening process to be refereed by three experts.
If papers have been refereed and accepted and sent for typesetting, the authors have to abide by what they have written; no further changes are acceptable in:
If there is any dispute about authorship or intellectual property, the paper must be withdrawn completely from publication until the authors settle their legal claims. It is not the publisher’s responsibility to solve or interfere in any intellectual property dispute.
After having their corrections incorporated by the typesetter, the proofs will again be sent to authors to check and to ensure that all their corrections are included. It is the responsibility of authors to check and correct the proofs of their papers. Papers cannot be published until they are checked and approved by authors. And papers cannot be amended once they are published, except in very exceptional circumstances, so authors should take great care in approving the final version for publication.
Published by : Fakultas Bisnis, Sosial dan Humaniora, Prodi Magister Manajemen, Universitas Triatma Mulya
Jl. Kubu Gunung, Tegal Jaya, Dalung, Kuta Utara, Badung - Bali
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